Our Process, Tree Care & Welfare

Our Process

We want you to have a really wonderful experience in choosing and buying your tree at Croft. We care about the whole process and want you to know what goes into growing the tree that you choose and then how best for you to look after it.

Buying your tree early

If you are buying your tree early, do not take it into the house straight away, if possible remove the net and stand outside, preferably in a bucket of water, for a few days.

Tree Care at Home

We ask a great deal of our trees, when we cut them down and bring them into the warm and dry of our houses. To get the best out of your tree, treat it as you would fresh cut flowers in your home; water them. Whenever you buy your tree, keep it outside with the stem in a bucket of water until you are ready to bring it into the house. When putting up your tree, use a good sturdy water tight container. Always try and keep your tree away from direct heat, such as radiators, fires and underfloor heating.

Planting, Cutting & Growing

We take great care in growing the highest quality trees. From the seed, sourcing the saplings, planting and nurturing, until ready to cut. Our trees are looked after by human hands, yes we do use machines, but much of the work, whether pruning or cutting has been undertaken by the friendly team who look after you when you are choosing and buying your tree. As we grow nearly all of the cut and pot grown trees that are sold, our trees are harvested for the shop throughout the few weeks in the run up to Christmas, so that the tree you choose is always fresh and has only recently been taken from the plantation.   


The different sizes and variety of trees that are purchased each season by our customers, enable the plantations to be thinned throughout the growing cycle, of up to 12 years. After this the land is then rested for at least a year, to ensure the maintenance of good soil structure and health, before once again being re planted. It is a genuinely sustainable process, one that benefits wildlife and the environment. Growing our fir and pine trees naturally absorbs Co2 and releases oxygen back into the atmosphere.